▲ “Splash-proof acrylic partitions" manufactured and sold by Technoplast in Thailand
Technoplast (Thailand) (hereinafter referred to as Technoplast) has been producing and selling infection prevention products since the first wave of COVID-19 in Japan. In Thailand, the company continues this effort by creating its own COVID-19 prevention products using plastic and resin processing technology.
One such product is the "Splash-Proof Acrylic Partition," which is highlighted here.
We interviewed Mr. Hiroyuki Konuma from "Akha Mae Chan Tai Coffee Shop," who is using this product, to understand the background and reasons behind its adoption.

▲ Located on the first basement floor of Empire Tower (directly connected to BTS Chong Nonsi Station), the official name of this coffee shop is “Akha Mae Chan Tai Coffee Shop & Multipurpose Space.”
Obtaining High-Quality Acrylic Products in Thailand is Straightforward!
The Splash-Proof Acrylic Partition from Technoplast Found Through an Internet Search
Mr. Konuma:The name “Akha Mae Chan Tai Coffee Shop & Multipurpose Space” reflects our use of coffee beans from Mae Chan Tai village, home to the Akha tribe, a hill tribe in Thailand. This shop was established in February 2021 as a collaborative effort between the Mae Chan Tai Village Coffee Producers' Cooperative and the Japanese NPO General Incorporated Association for the Promotion of Self-reliance in Asia (GIAPSA).

▲ Mr. Konuma is also a PhD in Agriculture, and his background is detailed on Wikipedia
Mr. Konuma: When we were preparing to open in January 2021, COVID-19 started spreading again in Thailand, and the Thai government issued strict infection control guidelines.
We searched for acrylic sneeze guards for the customer seating at stores in Chatuchak and online, but in Thailand, only cheap-looking vinyl products were available. Importing from Singapore, Malaysia, or China was costly.
Through an Internet search, we came across Technoplast's "Splash-Proof Acrylic Partition". I immediately made an inquiry using the web form.

▲ Splash-proof acrylic partitions with transparent stands
Mr. Konuma: Technoplast's splash-proof acrylic boards are reasonably priced and look great. They are fantastic.
Currently, we use five acrylic boards in our shop. Even after the COVID-19 pandemic ends, we can continue to using them for a long time by attaching flyers or menus, so there’s no need to store them away.

▲ Acrylic partition placed in front of the cash register
Since our splash-proof acrylic boards are manufactured in Thailand, we can deliver them within a short lead time (*3 days or more). The sizes and prices listed below are for reference only; we will discuss your specific requirements beforehand. We can customize the length to fit the table sizes in your store, office, factory, etc.

- Heat resistance temperature: Approx. 50°C
(Extended exposure to direct sunlight may cause warping)
- Lightweight and durable, however, it may break if dropped
If you would like to see this splash-proof acrylic board in person, please visit Akha Mae Chan Tai Coffee Shop & Multipurpose Space, located on the first basement floor of Empire Tower, directly connected to BTS Chong Nonsi Station.

▲ Our original product Mr. Non-touch which eliminates direct contact with train straps, doorknobs, elevator buttons, and more.

Hiroyuki Konuma(on right)
Representative Director, General Incorporated Association for the Promotion of Self-reliance in Asia / Doctor of Agriculture
1953: Born in Tokyo, Japan
2010: Appointed Assistant Secretary-General and Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations
2018: Established the non-profit organization General Incorporated Association for the Promotion of Self-reliance in Asia
Concurrently serves as the Representative Director and Visiting Professor at Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand

Akha Mae Chan Tai Coffee Shop & Multipurpose Space
Directly connected from BTS Chong Nonsi exit no 5
(right side end of the skywalk - Empire Tower B1 next to Tops Market)
One of the projects initiated by the General Incorporated Association for the Promotion of Self-reliance in Asia (GIAPSA) as part of its support activities for hill tribes mainly in northern Thailand has culminated in the establishment of this coffee shop. Due to poverty, the villagers of Mae Chan Tai, who had been cultivating poppy flowers until the early 2000s, took on the challenge of producing and selling coffee beans.
▶︎For those interested in Akha Mae Chan Tai, click here
For those looking for splash-proof acrylic board and non-contact acrylic devices Mr. Non-Touch (COVID-19 prevention products) in Thailand, please contact us using the form below.